IE2 - Investing in Educational Excellence (Strategic Wavier School System)
In accordance with the State of Georgia Article 4, O.C.G.A. § 20-2-84, it is the intent of the Thomas County School District to operate as an Investing in Educational Excellence (IE2) school system through the development of the IE2 partnership contract between our school district and the State Board of Education (SBOE). The partnership contract will provide flexibility from Title 20 laws and State Board rules in return for increased academic accountability. The contract includes the flexibilities sought and proposed to the SBOE, the accountability targets required for each school, and the intended consequences for schools that do not reach their targets. The IE² contract will begin on July 1, 2015, and will be in place for seven years with five years of accountability using baseline assessment data collected during the 2015-2016 school year. The College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) is the accountability tool used for determining progress. Each school's CCRPI target measurements will be sent to the Governor's Office of Student Achievement on an annual basis. Consequences will be imposed during the seventh year if accountability goals are not met.
To view the preliminary contract, please click the links below:
Exhibit A - Strategic Plan 2014
Amended Exhibit C - Accountability and Amended Exhibit D - Consequences
Exhibits E-H - Primary, Elementary, Middle, and High School Plans
IE² (Strategic Waiver System) Overview
*Annual performance targets will be established during the 2015-2016 baseline year. All school plans will be updated with performance targets once approved by the Georgia Department of Education and the Governor's Office of Student Achievement.
Additional Information:
GaDOE IE² Partnership Contracts
The Governor's Office of Student Achievement
IE² Frequently Asked Questions
Flexibility Options: A Quick Summary
For more information, please contact Lisa Williams at 229-225-4380 or by email at