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Proud Transporters of the "Yellow Jackets"


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Clay Stanaland
Director of Student Services
Ph: (229) 225-4380
Fax: (229) 227-2681

Mr. Robert Young
Route Director
Ph: (229) 225-4397
Fax: (229) 227-2681

We believe that the transportation department positively contributes to the education of our student passengers every morning and afternoon. We believe the school bus is an extension of the classroom. Safety is a high priority! Students, parents, teachers, administrators, bus drivers and community members are all responsible for keeping our students safe. We are committed to providing the safest, most consistent and reliable transportation possible. We continuously strive to improve our service to students and parents. Please feel free to call or e-mail us with suggestions on how we can improve our transportation department.

Transportation services are available to all students who live in Thomas County. Sixty-five bus routes are completed each morning and afternoon and approximately 3800 students are transported on Thomas County school buses daily.


Logo for hiring bus drivers


Quick Facts:

Approximate number of students
transported each day:  3,900

Approximate number of miles
traveled each day:  3,240

Number of bus routes:  66

Number of buses in fleet:  90