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Accountability & Assessment

The state assessment program provides critical information to students, parents, teachers, schools, systems, community members, administrators, and policy makers.  The Department of Assessment and Accountability serves as a point of contact for each of those stakeholder groups and provides support in Thomas County by collecting, analyzing, and reporting on various data.  Data sources include student achievement data, staff perception surveys, student surveys, and parent surveys.  Student achievement data are largely provided from state-mandated assessments such as the Georgia Milestones End of Grade or End of Course tests, ACCESS 2.0, GAA 2.0, and GKIDS.  Stakeholder perception data are collected on a continual basis through collaborative meetings with parents, school councils, advisory councils, and community organizations.  Parent surveys are routinely implemented in all schools in the spring of each school year. 

Most state-mandated assessments are subject to a state testing calendar established by the Georgia Department of Education. A schedule of all assessments is posted as a link on the right side of the Accountability webpage.  Although this testing calendar is intended to include all state required testing, schools are permitted to schedule their own dates for universal screening and benchmarks.  Questions about Milestones End of Grade or End of Course tests or other state-mandated tests can be answered by school personnel or by contacting Dr. Bob Dechman for any testing questions.


Robert Dechman, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Federal Programs and Accountability 
Ph: (229) 584-9133
Fax: (229) 225-4376

Karen A Franklin
Federal Programs Administrative Assistant
Ph: (229) 584-9132
Fax: (229) 225-4376